Web Server Statistics for Dtek web

Program started at Fri-02-Jan-1998 03:00 local time.
Analysed requests from Fri-26-Dec-1997 03:00 to Fri-02-Jan-1998 02:59 (7.0 days).

Total completed requests: 207 177 (207 171)
Total failed requests: 8 878 (8 877)
Total redirected requests: 6 298 (6 298)
Average requests per day: 31 764 (31 763)
Number of distinct files requested: 17 468 (17 468)
Number of distinct hosts served: 15 626 (15 625)
Number of new hosts served in last 7 days: 15 624
Corrupt logfile entries: 212
Total bytes transferred: 2 016 240 330 (2 016 207 228)
Average bytes transferred per day: 288 034 332 (288 029 604)
(Figures in parentheses refer to the last 7 days).

(Go To: Daily report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Daily Report

(Go To: Top: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Each * represents 1 000 requests, or part thereof.

     date: #reqs
---------  -----
26/Dec/97: 20869: *********************
27/Dec/97: 22262: ***********************
28/Dec/97: 29720: ******************************

29/Dec/97: 40334: *****************************************
30/Dec/97: 37494: **************************************
31/Dec/97: 27708: ****************************
 1/Jan/98: 24958: *************************
 2/Jan/98:  3832: ****

Hourly Summary

(Go To: Top: Daily report: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)

Each * represents 300 requests, or part thereof.

hr: #reqs
--  -----
 0: 11651: ***************************************
 1:  8768: ******************************
 2:  7781: **************************
 3:  6099: *********************
 4:  5064: *****************
 5:  5182: ******************
 6:  4405: ***************
 7:  3836: *************
 8:  3619: *************
 9:  4032: **************
10:  4419: ***************
11:  5695: *******************
12:  7780: **************************
13:  9471: ********************************
14: 11559: ***************************************
15: 10382: ***********************************
16: 10630: ************************************
17: 10409: ***********************************
18: 13742: **********************************************
19: 14504: *************************************************
20: 12013: *****************************************
21: 12196: *****************************************
22: 11970: ****************************************
23: 11970: ****************************************

Domain Report

(Go To: Top: Daily report: Hourly summary: Directory report: Request report)

Printing the first 5 domains by number of requests.

 #reqs :  %bytes : domain
-------  --------  ------
 76513 :  22.33% : .se (Sweden)
(31418):(  6.74%):   chalmers.se (Chalmers)
(15181):(  3.36%):     dtek.chalmers.se (Datateknik)
 48328 :  26.91% : .com (USA Commercial)
 26082 :  15.13% : .net (Network)
 21722 :  11.33% : [unresolved numerical addresses]
  3255 :   1.19% : .ca (Canada)

Directory Report

(Go To: Top: Daily report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Request report)

Printing the first 40 directories by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: directory
-----  ------  ---------
14356:  0.16%: /Climbing/.Icons/
 8647:  4.56%: /~d97lind/
 7703:  0.48%: /image/
 6401:  0.13%: /Stddoc/image/
 5848:  1.80%: /Climbing/
 5045:  0.32%: /~d3bjorn/new/pope/
 4433:  0.74%: /~d3rebas/Gfx/
 3893:  1.10%: /~d96krisv/mm2/
 3784:  0.25%: /~d96j/
 3776:  1.27%: /~d96mitha/
 3503:  0.24%: /~d0mrbooh/
 2871:  0.81%: /~d3rebas/
 2588:  3.61%: /~d4peder/
 2550:  0.10%: /~d4conny/smac/picts/
 2477:  0.40%: /Climbing/Gif/
 2457:  0.17%: /~d4sand/Swedish_Erotica/
 1958:  0.13%: /~d97cissi/dagbok/
 1833:  1.36%: /~d3rebas/Pics/
 1829:  1.52%: /cgi-bin/
 1777:  0.69%: /~d1leaf/pics/
 1683: 31.91%: /~d95olofs/manual/
 1554:  0.90%: /~d95till/images/
 1535:  0.06%: root directory
 1516:  0.30%: /~d97cissi/dagbok/bilder/
 1491:  0.29%: /~d3mikael/
 1470:  1.04%: /Climbing/Guidebooks/NorthAmerica/Arizona/az_gifs/
 1458:  0.48%: /~d95pari/
 1320:  0.27%: /~maf/ratatosk/
 1313:  0.84%: /Climbing/Net-stories/
 1249:  0.02%: /~d97cissi/omcissi/
 1066:  0.04%: /~d4jonas/Grafik/
 1005:  0.49%: /~d96pater/html-images/
  995:       : /~d2hagma/
  973:  0.16%: /~d96mitha/cgi-bin/ADA/
  964:  0.27%: /Organisations/linux/LDP/HOWTO/
  960:  0.52%: /~d2linjo/mp3/
  893:  0.29%: /~d95mback/
  881:  0.25%: /~d95mback/ssm/
  852:  0.27%: /~d4sand/Own/
  841:  0.06%: /~d3back/Hotlist/

Request Report

(Go To: Top: Daily report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report)

Printing the first 100 pages by number of requests.

#reqs: %bytes: filename
-----  ------  --------
 2009:  0.12%: /Climbing/
 1504:       : /
 1197:  0.07%: /Climbing/Gif/
 1125:  0.08%: /Climbing/contents.html
  966:       : /~d2hagma/
  933:       : /~d3bjorn/new/pope/slump.html
  761:  0.17%: /Climbing/Gif/wuarchive.html
  687:       : /~d4sand/swedish_erotica.html
  657:  0.02%: /~d4sand/Swedish_Erotica/menu.html
  657:  0.04%: /~d4sand/Swedish_Erotica/story.html
  505:  0.15%: /Climbing/Gif/iapetus.html
  497:       : /~d97cissi/omcissi/blankt.html
  439:  0.02%: /~d2linjo/mp3/
  425:       : /~d0mrbooh/schack.html
  418:  0.04%: /~d0mrbooh/LeftFrame.html
  390:  0.01%: /Climbing/wais-Climb.html
  389:  0.03%: /~d3bjorn/new/pope/julkort.html
  389:  0.04%: /~d3rebas/htmlvir.html
  385:  0.06%: /~d97lind/menu.html
  377:  0.05%: /~maf/ratatosk/
  373:       : /~d97lind/botright.html
  372:  0.01%: /~d97cissi/dagbok/
  353:  0.06%: /~d97cissi/dagbok/gammalt.html
  351:       : /~d97cissi/dagbok/topp.html
  351:       : /~d97cissi/dagbok/botten.html
  342:       : /~d95mback/ssm/
  328:       : /~d96j/
  313:       : /~d0mrbooh/Titel.html
  312:  0.03%: /~d0mrbooh/Main.html
  301:  0.04%: /~d4sand/Own/INL.html
  295:       : /~d0mrbooh/JavaChess.html
  290:       : /Climbing/.latest.html
  284:  0.02%: /~d97cissi/dagbok/idag.html
  275:       : /~d97cissi/
  272:  0.01%: /Climbing/Calendar/
  270:  0.03%: /Climbing/Training/
  265:  0.12%: /~d97lind/ra.html
  256:  0.02%: /~d95pari/dire_straits.html
  253:  0.02%: /~d1dd/censur/algonet/xxx-rated.html
  250:  0.02%: /Climbing/AutoDirectory/
  245:  0.17%: /Student/Bookshelf/Sangbok-92/
  243:  0.01%: /~d0mrbooh/JavaChessTitel.html
  242:  0.01%: /~d97lind/index2.html
  241:  0.01%: /Climbing/Guidebooks/
  241:       : /~d97lind/topleft.html
  240:       : /~d97lind/globe.html
  239:  0.01%: /~d97lind/left.html
  239:       : /~d97lind/top.html
  239:       : /~d97lind/botleft2.html
  238:       : /~d97lind/bottom.html
  238:  0.02%: /~d3rebas/martinlandet.html
  238:       : /~d97lind/mainleft.html
  235:  0.01%: /~d95mback/
  232:       : /~d4hakan/where.html
  206:  0.03%: /~d3rebas/htmlvir2.html
  199:  0.03%: /~d96mitha/hindex_2.html
  194:  0.01%: /~d96mitha/left.html
  191:  0.03%: /~maf/ratatosk/more.html
  190:       : /~d96mitha/topp.html
  188:  0.07%: /~d4jonas/U2/Meaning.of.Lyrics/
  188:  0.03%: /Climbing/Hardware/
  183:  0.16%: /Climbing/Net-stories/
  183:  0.01%: /~d96krisv/mm2/
  183:  0.01%: /~d4peder/digital_garden.html
  180:  0.01%: /Climbing/about.html
  180:  0.02%: /~d96mitha/ADACHAT/imena.html
  179:  0.02%: /~d96j/contents.html
  178:  0.01%: /~d95olofs/manual/
  177:       : /~d97cissi/omcissi/omcissi4.html
  176:  0.08%: /Climbing/Training/TWFH.html
  176:  0.02%: /~d96mitha/ADACHAT/glavni.html
  175:  0.08%: /~d4jonas/U2/
  170:       : /~d97cissi/omcissi/
  168:       : /~d96krisv/mm2/blank.html
  167:  0.01%: /~d96mitha/ADACHAT/ulaz.html
  167:       : /~d97cissi/omcissi/val.html
  167:       : /~d96krisv/mm2/Main.html
  166:  0.03%: /Climbing/Guidebooks/NorthAmerica/
  165:  0.03%: /Climbing/AutoDirectory/NorthAmerica/
  164:       : /~d96krisv/mm2/logo.html
  163:  0.01%: /~d96krisv/mm2/Meny.html
  161:  0.05%: /~d4sand/Swedish_Erotica/players.html
  159:  0.24%: /Student/Billboard/allD.html
  154:       : /~d97lind/index3.html
  154:       : /~d0pbm/rnd_midi.html
  153:  0.01%: /~d2patrik/bb.html
  150:  0.01%: /Climbing/Training/FAQ/
  149:       : /~d97lind/title.html
  147:       : /~d97lind/2botlef8.html
  146:       : /~d97lind/navbar.html
  144:       : /~d96j/main.html
  144:  0.12%: /~d2patrik/BloodBowl/bb_links.html
  134:  0.02%: /Climbing/Commercial/
  133:  0.25%: /~d96j/Guestbook/
  131:       : /~d95mback/nyssm/
  128:       : /Climbing/Training/Tips/
  128:       : /~d4peder/psyberia.html
  126:  0.02%: /~d1leaf/
  122:       : /~d3rebas/
  117:  0.01%: /Climbing/TravelPartner/

This analysis was produced by analog1.1.
Running time: 2 minutes, 14 seconds.

(Go To: Top: Daily report: Hourly summary: Domain report: Directory report: Request report)