
The Pope is a chicken!
International page

Latin Papa pullus gallin�ceus est!Thanks to Erik Wistrand
Swedish P�ven �r en kyckling!
Norwegean Paven er en kylling!
Danish Paven er en kylling!
Finnish Paavi on kananpoikaThanks to Mika Per�l�.
Icelandic P�finn er kj�klingurThanks to Stefan Vilbergsson
English The pope is a chicken!
German Der Papst ist ein K�ken!I'm not sure about this.
Esperanto La Papo estas koko!Thanks to Don Harlow.
Greek O Papa einai ena kotopouloThanks to Solveig Hans�n (If you don't have the Symbol-font (with the greek letters) this won't be right).
Italian Il papa � un pollo!Thanks to Tomas H�ssler and Kenneth Carlsson
Persian Pap jek djudje �stThanks to Tomas H�ssler
Turkish Pap bir tavukdur
AzerbaijanPapa bir toyukdur
Spanish El Papa es un pollitoThanks to Kenneth Carlsson
Dutch De paus is een kip!
Polish Papiez jest kurcze!
Chinese Thanks to Mattias Ormestad.
French Le pape est un pouletThanks to Anna-Karin Berglund
Estonian Paavst on kanapoeg!Thanks to Martin Rebas.
Hungarian A p�pa egy csirke!Thanks to Cissi.

The use of national flags to denote language, although convenient to implement, is another potential source of major irritation to the users, particularly for native speakers of the language outside the thus indicated country.

If you can speak (or if you know someone who can speak) a language which is not on this page, please help me to expand the list by dropping me an email! I might consider adding more honorable members to the fan club... ;)

Copyright © Björn Andersson 1996-2006